
Getting To Know Us: Dani Murray

today6 May 2024 45

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Who is Dani?

Q. How long have you been with Newport City Radio and what is your role?

I’ve been with Newport City Radio since 2015. I co-present the Pure Local & Pure Local EXTRA show. I also co-present & produce the Metal Kettle Show with Aimee & Ethan

Q. Which song makes you want to dance?

A. I don’t really dance – I have no rhythm but if I had to choose, I would go for Da Light by Ocean Grove

Q. What should visitors to Newport see or do while in the city?

A. Walk along the canal to Brecon. Or better still, take a bike ride along the canal, it’s quicker. Get out of the city to appreciate another side of Newport.

Q. What’s the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

A. Stargazing, looking for UFOs, bear wrestling, wine & cheese tasting, beekeeping or mountain walking. If I’m not doing one of those things, I’m probably working!

Q. What’s your favourite cake?

A. Cheesecake. Any flavour: vanilla, mint, chocolate or fruity.

Q. What new skill would you like to learn?

A, I’d like to learn some languages. I can say a few words in several languages but would love to speak fluently

Q. Which Pantomime character do you most resemble?

A. I am the epitome of Peter Pan. I will never grow up!

Q. Tell us something not many people know about you

A. I was once invited (as part of a duo) to record music in Miami by the lead singer of a band I went to see.

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

A. You are your own obstacle. Make sure you’re in the right headspace to follow your dreams, only you can make them a reality. (That’s actually my own advice to myself) Also, I can hear my mum say, “don’t touch that – it’s hot.” This too was good advice!

Q. Why should people listen to Newport City Radio?

A Cos the DJs are well fit innit and their shows are dope.

Written by: Kym Frederick

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