Gimme Five

Gimme Five – Rhys Hone.

today3 August 2024 40

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Rhys Hone Was a Guest on Pure Local Extra. Here Are 5 Extra Things You Should Know About Him!

What's The First Song You Ever Performed in Front Of a Live Audience. How Old Were You?

I think actually playing live in front of a crowd was an original song we made in High School It was at a concert the school arranged in the Muni Arts Centre in Pontypridd. I believe I must have been about 14 at the time! 

It was an original song and I have no idea how it goes now but all I remember was doing a guitar solo like slash on my knees on the floor! I had bright red skinny’s on, a black shirt and red tie with a trilby on my head.

 I think I have a photo on Facebook of my outfit without the hat lol

Where Do You Come From & Where Is The Most Interesting Place You've Visited?

So I come from a Village called Tonyrfail in the Valleys, moved to Newport when I was 19 to study Creative, Sound and Music at the University of South Wales (was actually called Newport Uni at the time). I’ve visited many places but the most interesting place I’ve visited must be Hong Kong… 1. because my mother lives there and I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like. 2 because there’s so much to do out there and the culture is just amazing!

Who Is Your Musical Idol?

Billie Joe Armstrong has to be my musical idol. Just because I love Green Day and their albums. American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown got me through so much as a teenager and still do as an adult now.

What Musical Instruments Do You Play and Which Would You Like To Learn?

So I play several, my main instrument is Guitar (preferably acoustic) but I love both, bass guitar, vocals, piano, cajon, various other percussion instruments, programmed instrumentation.

What's The Best Decade For Music?

Well this is a tough question! To be honest I don’t have a favourite decade. Honestly there is good music and bad music in all decades but if I was forced to pick a decade it would probably be the naughties as I grew up with that music as my music ideal would indicate essentially with the albums I’ve mentioned.

Written by: Kym Frederick

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