Gimme Five

Gimme 5 – Izzo Wizzard

today17 August 2024 55 4 5

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Izzo Wizzard Was a Guest on Pure Local Extra. Here Are 5 Extra Things We Found Out About Her

Where Are You From And Where In The World Would You Most Like To Visit?

I’m from Newport and I would love to visit Rottnest Island in Australia just outside of Perth. I’d love to go as it is the only place you can see an animal called quokkas which are very friendly marsupials. They are famous for always smiling. 

What Music Were You Listening To When you Were 13?

When I was 13 I loved to listen to The Smiths, The Stone Roses and The Cure. I think this was around the time I started to get into indie music which is the foundations of my music now and I think you can see this inspiration in my songs.

How Do You Create Your Music?

I make my music on my laptop from home by using software that allows me to plug in my guitar. But when it comes to the creative process, I often find a melody comes to me in my head and I find that I have to quickly record it so that I won’t forget.

What Was The First Album You Ever Bought?

The first album I ever bought was A Brief Inquiry to Online Relationships by The 1975. I was 15 and I didn’t usually buy CD’s but if you bought the CD then it guaranteed you access to pre-sale tickets for their tour which I was dying to go to. Thankfully, I got the tickets and it was incredible.

What New Skill Would You Like To Learn?

A new skill I’d love to learn is sculpting. I’ve always loved anything creative and love to paint but I think there is always something fascinating about creating something beautiful from scratch.

By Kym Frederick

Written by: Kym Frederick

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