Kym Frederick



Pure Local Extra

Chat with musicians who make the music

Pure Local Extra Chat with musicians who make the music Sister show to Pure Local. In 'extra' we talk to those artists who are making our music scene so vibrant. Friday 6:00 pm trending_flat 7:00 pm Sunday 4:00 pm trending_flat 5:00 pm Presenters person_outline Blogger Kym Frederick person_outline Blogger Dani Murray


Pure Local

The very best in local music

Pure Local The very best in local musicNewport has a long musical history. Now, live from the new home of local gigging, its's 60 minutes of the very best. Send tracks for play to Sunday 3:00 pm trending_flat 4:00 pm Presenters person_outline Blogger Kym Frederick person_outline Blogger Dani Murray

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