Pure Local Extra

12 Results / Page 1 of 2

Kym, Greg and Nia in NCR


Pure Local Extra: Nia John and Greg Ryan

Today on the Pure Local Extra show, we were joined by local musicians Nia John and Greg Ryan Both artists have been interviewed on the show before when we were located at the Corn Exchange. This morning was the first time they had been to our current location at the Kingsway Centre. To start the show, we listened to their new songs as both have recently released something new. We started with Nia’s ‘Lift Me Up’ and she gave us some […]

today8 February 2025 12

Steve, Iona and Keith in NCR


Pure Local Extra – Steve Wride and Iona Crahart

Today on The Pure Local Extra show, we were joined by Steve Wride (with friend Keith) and Iona Crahart from the Newport Folk Club Newport Folk Club is a folk collective which meets up every week to perform folk music. Anyone can come to watch or play. Other than the collective, Steve and Keith are a duo known as The Crumble Brothers who perform some well known songs acapella style. Iona is a part of a folk duo with her […]

today1 February 2025 11

Kym and Lindsey in NCR


Lindsey Freckleton on Pure Local Extra

On the first Pure Local Extra show of 2025 Kym was joined by Lindsey Freckleton for a chat Other than our guest, this show was dedicated to covers. If you've been listening to the show over the past few weeks, you may recall mentions of a Covers Club. In short, the idea was that many local artists would all pick one of each other's songs to cover in their own style. For this show, we played those covers and the […]

today4 January 2025 21


Gimme 5: Joe Kelly

Award Winning Local Legend Spills the Beans! Tell us about the first song you wrote. Do you still play it? I started songwriting in high school and those first few tunes escape me now! I do however remember staggering home from a night out in Meze, fumbling my way through Kings Road (probably waking up half of Chepstow Road) and being sat on my bedroom floor writing There You Go Again (quite possibly whilst in a sorry state the following […]

today18 December 2024 21 4

Joe Kelly and Shiftypop in Newport City Radio's HQ.


Joe Kelly and Shiftypop on Pure Local Extra

Today on the Pure Local Extra show, Kym was joined by Joe Kelly and Shiftypop (Sarah). As usual, they talked about themselves, their music and anything in between. Our guests Joe and Sarah are not new to Newport City Radio, Sarah had come as a guest around 10 years ago and Joe used to volunteer here. Joe Kelly describes himself as an ‘itinerant blues singer’. His songs range from blues and country with an Americana sound to it. He is backed […]

today14 December 2024 13


Gimme 5: Shiftypop!

Introducing Shiftypop- Where Music Meets Fun! Sarah Hughes is Shiftypop, a fun loving Ukelele playing singer songwriter, a guest on the Pure Local Extra show on Newport City Radio. Here are a few fun facts about her. Tell us about the first song you ever wrote. It was called All My Life, it was a cheesy love song about meetng someone for the first time and falling in love with them. I was 15. Imagine you are going to have […]

today13 December 2024 45

Aled Hughes and Tony Fitz in NCR


Tony Fitz & Aled Hughes on Pure Local Extra

Aled Hughes and Tony Fitz joined Kym for a chat on the Pure Local Extra show Today on the Pure Local Extra show was Tony Fitz and Aled Hughes. They spoke a little  bit about themselves and their music.Firstly, we discussed what they’d been up to recently. As for Aled, it had been a little bit since he last came in as he had come in for a chat before. Since then, he has performed a few gigs, one of […]

today30 November 2024 29

Kori, Kym and Cole sat in Newport City Radio HQ.


Forsaken Duo on the Pure Local Extra show

Kym was joined by Kori and Cole of Forsaken Duo for a chat about themselves Today on the Pure Local Extra show, Kym was joined by Kori and Cole the musical group ‘Forsaken Duo’. The duo is a dark country acoustic band duo known for their hauntingly atmospheric sound and raw, emotional storytelling. The duo features deep, gravelly vocals paired with acoustic guitars, creating a stripped-down yet powerful musical experience.The first time they’ve come down to the studio, they gave […]

today23 November 2024 28


Ryan Keyse & Casey Maunder on The Pure Local Extra Show

2 Guys, 20 Guitars & a Whole Stack of Superb Music! Today, on the 28th of September, The Pure Local extra show at Newport City Radio was once again joined by guests to talk about themselves and their music. This week, we were joined by Ryan Keyse and Casey Maunder, two local musicians who had never met before and have very different musical styles. Throughout the show we played many of their songs. Casey’s music takes a more rock style […]

today28 September 2024 71



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